CE-Summer Reading July:Beach
#: SumReadJul    ID:    Section:

Summer Reading Club July: Beach

Register by June 21, Pick up on or after July 9
Fill out e-form to choose appropriate age and bundle choice.  

Pick up at the Community Education Office (Hawks Nest) between 8AM - 4PM


Dive into summer reading with monthly themed book bundles curated to your child’s age and interest. Bundles will include books and activities to keep your child busy reading and learning during these busy summer months. Pair the reading of these books with the public library’s summer reading program to keep their love of reading and learning growing!

Choose 1 month, 2 months or all 3 months of book bundles. 50% of what is purchased from these book bundles will go back to the elementary school libraries to get new books!

Varied Schedule
8:00 AM
Registration Cutoff Date:
Dates & Times:
6/21/2024   8:00AM - 4:00PM
7/9/2024   8:00AM - 4:00PM